Sunday, August 28, 2011

Beheading of John the Baptist

O Christ our God, you lowered the heavens when you came down to earth
to reveal to us your humility and compassion.
You have given us your Forerunner and Baptist as a model of salvation,
for he was a preacher of truth,
an example of repentance,
and a desert dweller.
You made him worthy to fight the good fight,
to finish the reace,
and to win the crown of righteousness and truth.
To those in Hades,
he announced beforehand the good news of redemption and salvation.
Grant that we may scorn earthly pleasures
in imitation of his renowened life and joyful way of penance.
Deliver us from the rulers of this world of darkness.
Protect us under the wings of your goodness.
Bless us, O Giver of blessings,
and make us worthy of the kingdom of heaven.
For through you and with you all honor and glory are due
to the Father and the Holy Spirit,
now and ever and forever.

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