Monday, December 7, 2009

Second Sunday in Advent

Ready for His Coming
The word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness.

1. Made Ready for His Coming by the purifying word
a. The body of Christ is purified by the Word
b. The individual believer is purified by the Word
 Acknowledge the reality of your struggles and sin
 Confess your sin
 Repent of your sin, which means turning from it and rejecting it
 Seek assistance through accountability
 Destroy all material evidence, internet access and other occasions of sins be they people, places or things.
 Put yourself under the spiritual direction of a mature believer
 Make amends, where possible, with anyone you have harmed
 Focus on learning more about Jesus, his love and sacrifice for you
 Find ways to serve others instead of yourself
 Continually turn away from deeper sins as they come to light

2. Made Ready for His Coming by the word of grace
a. The word of grace is present even in imprisonment
b. The word of grace allows us to defend and confirm the gospel

3. Made Ready for His coming by bearing fruits in keeping with repentance
a. Valleys filled, mountain and hill made low, crooked straight, rough places become level ways that all flesh may see the salvation of our God.
b. 2 Peter 1:2-11; 3:8-18.

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