Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jesus only

+ The Transfiguration of our Lord +
March 6, 2011
“…they saw no one but Jesus only.” Matthew 17:8
What are we to make of this mysterious event, the Transfiguration of our Lord? We are confronted with several things that have no rational explanation. Jesus’ face shines like the sun and his clothes become dazzling white. Two dead guys, Moses and Elijah, are recognized and converse with Jesus as if it were the most natural thing in the world. A bright cloud overshadows the gathering and a voice speaks loud and clear, reminiscent of what was said at Jesus’ Baptism: This is my beloved Son…listen to Him! Not surprisingly, Peter, James and John were scared to death! But Jesus came and touched them. Today, I’d like us to consider the Transfiguration from the vantage point that this story is for us and actually about us. At the end of the day, when we see Jesus only, we will experience the power of the Gospel to transfigure our lives with faith, hope and love.

1. Moses and Elijah came to speak with Jesus
a. The Law-Giver sees the end of the Law; cures our perennial tendency to revert to the Law. What must I do?
b. The power-prophet sees the power of sacrificial love; cures our perennial desire for power and control.
2. Peter represents our temptation to climb the wrong mountain
a. This (signs & wonders, spectacular happenings) is great! Let’s wrap it up -- this success formula -- and mass market it to the world. NOT! Hush – and listen to my beloved Son.
b. The glory is hidden in the one who takes the form of a servant, in the means of grace.

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